Wednesday 14 September 2011

YSA Fun Times...or Something to that Effect

Thursday was a gloriously free day, with my only scheduled activity being the Institute Open House at 6 that night.  I decided to take a trek over to the nice Wal-Mart Cathie had given me directions to, because I needed milk, and also to find some Yogurt and Green Onion Chips to try.  I was successful, both in forging a trail to Wal-Mart (only one turn-around, and that was on the way home!), and in my procurement of Yogurt and Green Onion Chips.  Oh my gosh, they are GOOD!  I got the kettle brand kind, so there may be a difference in brand, but a Y&GO chip is like a mild, gentle version of a sour cream and onion chip.  It's almost like plain chips that had a sour cream and onion chip waved over them at some point, but a little bit sweeter, and they don't give you that horrible chip-breath that usually comes with -& Onion flavored chips.  Definitely need to buy some more.  Next on the list to try: ketchup.  I then killed time by watching Milla Jovovich kick zombie butt in Resident Evil, and of course Marlow, the guy working on the basement, comes up, sees I'm watching a movie and asks about it, so I pause it, just when there's a particularly gruesome corpse and blood spatter all over the screen (Spencer at the train, after the Licker got him, for those who have seen it), and he's like, "...Nice".  I tried to explain about how zombie movies and the zombie apocalypse make for all kinds of fun with us back home, but he still thinks I'm weird.

The Institute Open, it was okay.  I drove up with Amy, and she was very helpful in introducing me to people, but it was a HUGE crowd, which I don't do so well in (I'll probably have to get therapy for that at some point).  Also, a LOT of younger kids, because it was ALL the YSAs in the city, which is comprised of six wards spread throughout the three stakes.  So, a lot of kids, many, many of whom are just out of high school, who don't know how to stop talking and listen, which is one of my major pet peeves.  Also, the main event of the night was a food eating contest, with pie, marshmallow, watermelon, and root beer competitions.  Not something I really get into.  But I did cheer Amy during the marshmallow stuffing contest, and tried to have a good time with it.  I met some nice people, but most of them are not in my ward, so I probably won't see them much.  But institute starts this week, so I'll be there...

Friday, I read my research methods book and tried not to pass out from boredom while doing so.  I was very nearly unsuccessful, but divine intervention came in the form of a lady checking up on voter registration ringing the doorbell.  Which then made me feel dumb, because I couldn't confirm Cathie's home phone number, or her middle name.  I'm an AWESOME niece.

I felt even better when I learned Cathie'd made us appointments for makeover workshops at the Dior counter at the mall.  It was really fun - after picking the colors I wanted the girl to use, she did one side of my face, and then had me do the other.  And I actually managed to match her technique!  I'm not completely makeup retarded after all!  Okay, so I kept stopping every five seconds and asking, "Is this okay?" but at least she didn't have to leap in, grab the brush from me, and fix it.  I even managed to re-create the look on my own for Saturday night.  I'm a real girl!

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