Monday 5 September 2011

The Weekend

Saturday morning I was conscripted by the Institute Choir Director and Institute Accompanist to go and help put together the music folders for this semester.  This meant I had to get up at the unholy hour of 8:30, oh the humanity!!  Once at institute, it was discovered that someone, or someones, had jacked about half of the music we needed to put in the folders, so that activity was put on hold.  Once home, I decided I needed a short nap - I hadn't fallen asleep until nearly 2:30 the night before, so getting up at 8:30 really did take some effort.  My short nap took three hours.  I was tired.

When I got up, I was on my own, so I decided to, once again, test my navigational skills and see if I could successfully travel to and from a given point, with a minimum amount of turn-arounds and detours.  I am happy to report that my trip to AdditionElle (a clothes store) was done with only one slight detour on the return trip, and that wasn't my fault.  It was the fault of the jerk in the black truck who decided it would be fun to pace me when I signalled that I wanted to get over into the left lane.  One moment he's all in a hurry, the next he's Sunday driving so I can't get in front of or behind him.  Jerk.

I also made it to the CORRECT grocery store, and was triumphant in my procurement of Caffeine Free Diet Coke, ham, and Dill Pickle-Flavored chips.  I was trying to find Yogurt and Green Onion chips to try, since I have been tasked with reporting on their yumminess by certain persons back home, but there was nary a bag to be found.  So I settled on trying out the Dill Pickle chips.  Sadly, I must report that Dill Pickle chips?  Are not good.  They're not horrible, and I suppose if I were in the throes of an overpowering salt craving they'd work, but they're not something I'd ever buy voluntarily again.  They almost taste like Salt N Vinegar chips, but with a "dill" flavor mixed in that, while looking and smelling like dill, does not actually taste like dill, or even a dill pickle.  Next time, I'll have to try the Ketchup flavored chips - unless they have Yogurt and Green Onion.

Sunday was my first day in my new YSA ward.  I was nervous, I'll admit it, but I had a church buddy, the Institute Accompanist's daughter, Ariel, who gave me a ride.  I got to ride in a Smart Car.  Yes, they really are that tiny.  My claustrophobia tried to surface, but I thought it would be rude to start pounding the windows and shouting "Let me out!" so I opted for deep breathing instead.  Church itself was pretty good, although it was fast and testimony meeting and there were some loooonnnnggg awkward pauses between people.  But Andy Samberg's secret twin is in my ward!  He got up to bear his testimony, and I about fell out of my chair.  There is also a girl in the ward who bears an uncanny resemblance in face, voice, and mannerisms to Kelsey O'Connor - her name is, no joke, Keltey (yes, with a 't').  Freaky!

Relief Society was also good, with a little amusing part thrown in.  The teacher thought it would be nice to have everyone stand and say their name and where they're from.  Nearly everyone there was from Edmonton or a nearby city.  I was one of the last to go, and about 12 people just before me were all from Edmonton, and then I got up and said, "I'm Claire, I'm from California" and just about everybody gasped and started laughing.  Fun times.

I made it out of church unscathed and unseen by the ward clerk, who has threatened to photograph everyone for the menu - I'll just submit a picture instead.  Maybe the one that was supposed to go on my OneCard.  After church, I hung around watching Pride and Prejudice until Aunt Cathie got up from her nap.  Then we went on a walk with Kim, her neighbor, to go look at people's yards across the ravine.  Apparently, the yards along the city park walkway can't be closed off - they have to have chain-link fences, so most people have landscaped their gardens to perfection.  It was a hike to get there, but worth it.  Of course, I didn't think to take any pictures until we ran across this little guy:

We were walking by this yard, and I was like, "Oh, cute, they have a giant bunny!" and was told in return, "No, that's wild.  It's a snowshoe hare.  Actually, he's kind of small."  I know it's kind of hard to tell from this picture, but this hare is about the size of a beagle.  Dad, be grateful we don't have these guys eating the lawn.

On our way back, I tried to get a few more pictures, but as I am the World's Worst Photographer, and I was using my phone camera, I only got a couple worth showing off.  This is just off to the side of the road we were walking along:

And, because I love clouds, I tried to capture the pretty colors from the sunset:

Overall, a good day.  (But the No-see-ums have GOT to GO.)

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