Tuesday 6 March 2012

Small Thanks

Today I have several things that I am grateful for. Really grateful, not sarcastic grateful. I feel obliged to share them with the world, and acknowledge that, yes, Heavenly Father really IS watching out for me.

First, the mirror issue. Yesterday I went to get my mirror fixed, because it's really hard to drive around without a passenger side mirror. I kept feeling like I was going to sideswipe someone because I couldn't see properly. So I went to Parts Source, which is a car parts store, but when I asked about just the glass (because the rest of the mirror was intact), I was referred to Crystal Glass. When I went in for my appointment at Crystal Glass, it turned out that I needed the backing for the mirror as well as the glass - but they didn't have the backing, so they referred me to Rodway Auto Wrecking, in the hopes that they would have an entire mirror unit for cheap. I'd looked up mirrors on-line the night before, and they were generally priced around $200. At Rodway, I got one for $50. Then, when I was trying to figure out where I was gonna get the thing installed, another customer down the counter told me where he gets his car work done, Jeff's Auto Electric, and told me to tell them he'd sent me. The guy from Rodway who sold me the mirror then looked up the address and phone number of Jeff's, so I'd be able to get there quickly. Yesterday I got there right before closing, but I took my car in today, and in less than an hour, and for $63 I had a new mirror on my car. I am grateful for all the guys in the various auto stores who were willing to help out a damsel in distress while being courteous and kind, instead of condescending.

I am especially grateful that my mirror only cost me $113 total to fix, because as I was waiting for my temple recommend interview tonight, one of the brethren waiting for his interview was telling about how his mirror got clipped off by an ambulance, and it cost him $500 to replace (the city reimbursed him, but still). So yeah, grateful that the mirror was fixed with minor cost to me. And quickly, too.

I am also thankful that my shoes were waiting for me today. I originally saw them yesterday, and I REALLY wanted them, but I decided to wait, to make sure they weren't an impulse buy. When I went back today to get them, because I knew life would not be complete without them, I realized that they were the LAST pair in my size in the store. I think I would have cried if they hadn't been there, and I am thankful they were, because I rarely find beautiful heels that I a.) love and b.) can actually walk in. Usually it's one or the other, but not both. So yay! My shoes were there for me!

I'm grateful that I happened to catch the bus at the same time as my adorable VT companion, W, because we had a great chat, and now I have someone to go see The Hunger Games with when it comes out.

I'm thankful for the little old man who runs the car wash I use, because normally he just feeds the money in the machine so people don't have to get out of their cars to do it (it's a little hard to reach) because today he scraped the two inches of accumulated snow yuck off my running boards, because the car wash can't get it all, which I usually just deal with. Today, my running boards were almost clean when I went in the car wash, and they were super clean when I came out. It's been a while since my car was this clean.

Finally, I'm thankful to Prof. T, my metacognition teacher, who found me a bunch of articles related to my topic for the final paper for his class. He did this for everyone in the class, which is going above and beyond what is required of him as a professor teaching a graduate course where we have all learned how to use the library search system to find relevant articles. Then he even burned them on a handy dandy cd. Actually, I kind of felt like I was in a spy movie, because he burned the information onto a disc, which he then left in a secure location (his mailbox in the grad lounge), then left me instructions on how to recover it, because he's leaving for Bangkok tomorrow. Yes, sometimes I hum my own theme music, what of it?

So, those are some things I'm legitimately thankful for today. Okay, I'm done now.

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