Thursday 24 November 2011

Happy American Thanksgiving!

Okay, so I was going to title this "Happy American Thanksgiving, Yo!" for some nice symmetry with my Canadian Thanksgiving post, but I'm afraid some members of my family might take exception to that, so I refrained.

I have seen the month of thanks everyone is doing on Facebook, and it gave me the idea of doing 30 things I'm thankful for in one swell foop. So, in no particular order of importance, here are 30 things I am grateful for at this point in my life.

1.  The Gospel (duh) - but really, nothing stretches you and makes you grow in your testimony than challenges and trials, and the past three months I've had many of them.  I have gained a deeper appreciation for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the scriptures, President Monson, my local bishopric, and the power of prayer.  I hope the lessons stick.

2.  My family - here and at home.  I miss my family back home a lot, but the separation from them has been eased by the family I have up here - particularly Aunt Cath and Auntie Li and Uncle Walt.  I'm thankful for the chance I have to get closer to them, and how they take good care of me.  And my parents are rock stars, because at 28 I should be on my own and independent, but they continue to help me out in many different ways instead of telling me to grow up already.  Love them!  Also my siblings - we actually all like each other and like hanging out together, which is awesome!  And JD will be home when I get there!  Woo-hoo!

3.  My Land's End down stuffed jacket that's good to -35F.  It was -35C over the weekend - which translates to -31F.  I needed that sucker.

4.  Starbuck's peppermint hot cocoa.  Try it.  Love it.  Crave it.

5.  My agreeable, fuzzy heating pads who only occasionally try to kill me on the stairs.  Really, for cats, they are very chill, more like dogs.

6.  Facebook.  Laugh all you want, but that has become my free, direct line to knowing what's going on in people's lives back home, so I can make snarky comments on it.  Also, it's a great workaround for the international texting limit on my cell phone.

7.  My Es-cah-pay.  Fords are awesome, and my car is handling the cold like a champ.  I've outfitted her for it, but the -35C night happened before I got a block heater, and she started up anyway.  Good little car.

8.  The Walking Dead.  One of the few shows that's managed to keep my attention.

9.  CouchTuner free online TV.  All caught up on Psych and The Vampire Diaries - for free!

10.  Nice girls at church.  They make all the difference.

11.  My calling.  I play for the ward choir now (it's like deja vu all over again...).

12.  Supportive professors.  I've heard horror stories of evil and heartless university professors, but so far I haven't had one.  That could change...

13.  Ian Somerhalder and Wentworth Miller.  Their beauty just makes the world a better place.

14.  Mahjohng titans.

15.  The military.  I went to a Remembrance Day (that's Veterans' Day for the Yanks) ceremony at the Butterdome a couple of weeks ago.  Five minutes in and I was a snorfling mess.  They had vets from every conflict from World War II and up to the present.  It was very touching, and I think sometimes as Americans we forget that Canada has our back in war, but I was forcibly reminded of that fact, and I am grateful to ALL the vets in BOTH countries who have served to defend my freedoms.

16.  My boots.  They're pretty.  They keep my feet warm.  I just like them!

17.  Wonderful classmates who have become my friends, and have a lot of support, advice, and encouragement to offer.  Most of them are PhD students, so they know the ins and outs of Master's Degrees, and they are free with their wisdom.  And we all have good therapy venting sessions together.

18.  Choir opportunities.  I get to sing in a Messiah choir this year.  How cool is that?

19.  Bonding opportunities provided by video game playing.  Mock if you will, I'm stoked that my CoD crew will all be together when I get home.

20.  Public transit.  I walk out my door, across the street, and up three houses.  I get on the bus, ride for five minutes, get off the bus, walk across the street, board the LRT, ride it for fifteen minutes, get off, walk up and out, and about fifty feet to my building.  Don't have to worry about parking, traffic, snowy roads, none of it.

21.  Mobile technology - it's given me the foundation for my Master's project.

22.  My hair is finally long enough to style curly, and my fauxllet is less noticeable.

23.  Contact lenses.  My eyesight is so bad, my glasses are practically coke-bottle thickness.  Thankfully, I have eyes that will accept contact lenses.

24.  Books.  Do I need to explain?

25.  Music.  (See above.)

26.  Pepperoni pizza.  One of mankind's greatest innovations.

27.  Indoor heating.  Once again, -35C over the weekend.  How people survived up here BEFORE indoor heating, I do not know.  I'm just grateful I wasn't one of them.

28.  M is almost done renovating the basement.  Hallelujah!

29.  SnorgTees and their awesome t-shirt designs.  I have them as a scrolling background on my lappy, and watching them during class makes the time go by faster - and provides entertainment for those sitting nearby.  It's the little things.

30.  I get to go home for Christmas - 2 1/2 more weeks!



  1. Can I give a shout out to indoor plumbing? It's so you don't have to go out in the -35 weather to tinkle:) Or use bedpans. yuck.

  2. Yikes, -35C!!! I can't comprehend!

    Also, I love this list. And I had to comment to say that I just started (and pretty much caught up with-yay Instant Queue) The Vampire Diaries. Initially, I assumed another cheesy Vampire show that could never be Buffy. Well, I have to say, it's still no Buffy (I mean, where is the Xander and the Willow and even the Cordelia hilariousness? Plus, everyone needs a Giles. I *need* a Giles!), but it's quite fun. Also, despite his scary eye thing and how much I mostly didn't like his character on Lost, that Ian whatshisname is pretty hot on this one. woot.

    I should watch the Walking Dead, it just takes me too long to catch on to new shows (see above), unless they star Buffy. And yes, I am watching the soap opera that is Ringer and will continue to as long as they let me. Who knew in just a few months I go from not knowing where to find the CW to recording two shows on it weekly . . . ?

    Oh yeah, and your family is cool as I remember them. :)

  3. @ Caroline - #31 - I am VERY thankful for indoor plumbing :-)

    @ Christy - True that TVD is not Buffy, but I got hooked over the summer when Hayley brought her DVDs over, and yes, my beautiful other future husband Ian Somerhalder is SOOOOO pretty! But I like TVD and Elena because she sticks it out with this crazy monster-filled world, even when she can't kick all kinds of butt like Buffy.

    Zombies are my family's common interest - my mother started watching TWD before I did. It has Norman Reedus, a.k.a. the OTHER Boondock Saint, and he is delightful as Darryl the redneck hunter. If you ever have a free weekend, Couch Tuner has all the episodes...

    I have not yet fallen prey to Ringer, but I'm thinking I may have to start watching, because I hear it's ridiculous good fun. Aww, remember when CW was the WB, and Buffy and Angel were on back to back, and sometimes they crossed over? I feel old.

  4. I agree with your on TVD-I also like Elena. She's another anti-Bella Swan in my book. I mean, *she* breaks up with Stephan at one point so she can figure things out. Way to work it out, girl. But yeah, Damon is way more fun. Sometimes a bit too cruel, but I am so anxious for his good (but snarky) side to win out and for them to really get together!

    I promise on my next procrastinating day (likely soon) to watch the Zombies. My sis-in-law is soo into all things that genre.

    And finally, so much of Ringer is over the top, but I just can't help getting my SMG fix on. And they are ridiculous fun twists that keep me coming back for now.

    And man, I miss the WB! Okay, I miss the days when we'd watch Buffy and Angel and come in the next day to rehash with Justin. I *may* even miss Dawson. No, Pacey. Just a little.
