Wednesday 31 August 2011

Goin' to the Great White North

I don't really like change - as my family well knows - but once things are set, and I know a major life change is coming - like, say, moving to a "foreign" country - I want it over with.  None of this waiting around for three months until it's time to head out.  On the other hand, the waiting period between getting accepted into the University of Alberta's Secondary Science Education master's program, and actually moving north for the program, gave me the opportunity to tell all and sundry (multiple times) that I was moving to Canada - which was great fun.  Some favorite exchanges:

With work colleagues:

"So, where are you working this year?"

"Oh, I'm not working for MVUSD anymore.  I decided I'd rather leave the country."

"Hahaha, right.  Where're you gonna go?"


"Hahaha, that's so funny. [Sees I'm totally serious.]  Wait, what?"

"I'm moving to Canada."

"Seriously, though, what?"

"For grad school, I'm going to live with my aunt."

"Ohmygosh, that's so great!  Canada is awesome!  I love Canadians!  You know you're going to freeze, right?"

[Lather, rinse, repeat]

With people from church:

"So what are you doing now?"

"Oh, I'm just hanging out until I leave for school."

"Great!  Where are you going to school?"

"University of Alberta, in Edmonton.  In Canada."

"Wow, really?  That's so neat!  Canada is beautiful, you're going to love it there, you're going to freeze in the winter you know!"

[And on it went]

It actually made me feel pretty good, the congratulations from people, followed by expressions of concern for my health and well-being in the winter time.  All those warm and fuzzy feelings should help keep the cold at bay.

Stay tuned for Episode 2: Car-Trippin' up the I-15

1 comment:

  1. you realize of course you are going to freeze...but what a great idea to go to the mother (your mother's original country) country for additional schooling. have a great time....i'll keep checking up on your blog thingy.
